Energy, Utilities & Natural Resources
Services offered: Tableau Solutions | Saleforce and IoT Development
Creating the Digital Future for Energy, Utilities and Natural Resource Companies.
Digiture combines industry expertise, reusable industry objects and agile development to consistently deliver projects on-time and on-budget.

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Self Service Portals for Customer Service & Partner Enablement
Digiture creates, integrates and manages self service portals that save time while providing a secure and efficient way to get information which bypasses queues and waiting on return calls or emails.
Integrated Analytics from IoT Sensor Data
Sensors are everywhere from mobile equipment, to stationary objects like valves and meters. Digiture is helping clients turn the data into insights to reduce operational costs and improve customer experiences.
Mobile Inspections and Audits
Digiture has solutions for business that want more than simple mobile forms. Digiture has reusable objects for custom mobile applications that incorporate workflow, CRM integration, Augmented Reality and much more.
Salesforce and more
Digiture is uniquely qualified to integrate Salesforce with custom developed mobile applications and third party applications for analytics, IoT, Augmented Reality and more..
A Mobile First
Digiture is connecting people, places, things, data and business process to improve customer experiences and deliver operational value.

Digiture delivered and supports our Tableau solution that leverages data from hundreds of sensors. Additionally, Digiture has provided Salesforce expertise.
CEO Verde

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